Participation in the “Ambitious Youth” Employment Forum
The Ebdaa Microfinance Bank participated in the “Ambition Youth” employment forum, which was held by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees over two days. This is with the participation of about 30 industrial and commercial companies that offered job opportunities in many specializations to graduates of the Damascus Mediterranean Institute. The bank's pavilion at the forum witnessed a distinguished turnout of students and graduates to learn about the job opportunities available at the bank and the financing services it provides. The Director of Human Resources at the Ebdaa Microfinance Bank Mrs. Raneem Al-Samman, confirmed in a press statement The bank’s participation in the “Ambitious Youth” employment forum has two goals. The first is to present the job opportunities available at the bank to graduates of the Intermediate Technical Institute and to employ those who have the appropriate qualifications to work within the bank. The second goal is to inform graduates of the microfinance services provided by the bank, especially since they are graduates of a technical institute and therefore they are seeking to establish their small projects in the crafts they studied at the institute, and the bank will be a support for them in that. Contact was made with the institute’s management to discuss ways of cooperation and support for graduates from various sectors.