Ibdaa Microfinance Bank participates in sponsoring the National Quality Conference
The Ebdaa Microfinance Bank participated in sponsoring the National Quality Conference, which was held yesterday under the patronage of the Minister of Industry, Ziad Sabbagh, at the Sheraton Hotel in Damascus. In a statement to reporters, Director of Operations at the Ebdaa Microfinance Bank, Omar Heneidi, stressed the importance of the link between service quality and social responsibility and how to achieve social responsibility through banks, especially since the general trend of banks was previously profitability, but now the profit aspect is being linked to social responsibility in order to achieve goals. Sustainable development by reducing poverty, providing job opportunities, and finding alternatives at the energy level. Henedy stated that the participation of the Ebdaa Microfinance Bank in this conference comes with the aim of supporting the dissemination and promotion of a culture of quality in the productive and service sectors, noting that the bank supports everyone who has an idea for a pilot project, and in the event that a project idea is not available, the bank will be a link between financing, training and providing consultations. Noting that the bank was part of the agreement signed between the banks and the Renewable Energy Support Fund, whereby the bank provides interest support on loans for renewable energy projects. The bank also participated in the dialogue session devoted to quality management in the banking industry sector, where Henedy spoke about the social responsibility of banks, mechanisms for supporting craft industries, and supporting human competencies and capabilities, through the bank’s experience. Heneidi pointed out the need to focus on sustainable development in its social, environmental and economic dimensions within the social responsibility of banks.