"Ibddaa Bank's management would like to thank its outstanding employees across all branches
Based on the belief that exceptional giving deserves recognition, and in line with Innovation Bank's commitment to promoting a culture of excellence and achieving outstanding performance, the bank's management extends its gratitude to all employees for their diligent work. Special appreciation and praise are given to a number of branch employees who distinguished themselves through their performance by achieving the 2023 targets across all bank branches.
We congratulate the honored colleagues:
Mr. Hayan Aizouki - Best Branch Manager of 2023 - Homs Branch
Mr. Nazih Karbaj - Best Branch Supervisor of 2023 - Shahba Branch
Mr. Wesam Sajaa - Best Credit Officer of 2023 - Shahba Branch
Ms. Rama Jabbour - Best Customer Service Employee of 2023 - Tartous Branch
Ms. Amina Abu Fakher - Best Cashier of 2023 - Shahba Branch
We wish them continued excellence and progress, and we hope for success and prosperity for all.